films of resistance: in solidarity with the Palestinian struggle


Israeli West Bank Barrier: West Bank Wall

Christmas in the West Bank

Young creative Nicole Naim Dib recounts her memory of Christmas in the West Bank and witnessing the current apartheid in occupied Palestine.

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Veronique photo and work by Clara Watt

Changing the World

A conversation with Clara Watt, an award-winning documentary photographer, about her work and how to use photography to create a better world

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Installation view of (IN)VISIBLE DIFFERENCES


Kelly speaks to artist Semra Sevin and gallerist Ulrich Krauss about their latest exhibition (IN)VISIBLE DIFFERENCES at the Zagreus Projekt in Berlin.

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art and time

What’s the reality we live in today? How can we survive as artists in these crazy times? Konstantin tells us his thoughts about what’s really happening right now.

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